Profile---"Hyo-San ?"
Index of Hyo-san'sHome

--Record of Updating--

Jul.30.2015 Added UCHIWA-Fans of 2015 in the gallery "SUI SEN KO (No.5 Arch.)"
Jan.01.2015 Added New Year Cards of A Sheep in "SUI SEN KO" and "SHO SEN KA".
Jul.25.2014 Added UCHIWA-Fans of 2014 in the gallery "SUI SEN KO (No.5 Arch.)"
Jan.01.2014 Added New Year Cards of A Horse in "SUI SEN KO" and "SHO SEN KA".
Aug.06.2013 Added UCHIWA-Fans of 2013 in the gallery "SUI SEN KO (No.5 Arch.)"
Jan.25.2013 Added new "daruma" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO (No.2 Arch.)"
Jan.01.2013 Added New Year Cards of A Snake in "SUI SEN KO" and "SHO SEN KA".
Dec.08.2012 Added a new painting " Two Bags " in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
Aug.02.2012 Added new UCHIWA-Fan in the gallery "SUI SEN KO (No.5 Arch.)"
May.05.2012 Added a new painting "Bright May" in the gallery "SHO SEN KA".
Apr.07.2012 Added a new painting "A Spring Evening" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
Jan.01.2012 Added New Year Cards of Dragon in "SUI SEN KO" and "SHO SEN KA".
Dec.22.2011 Added a new painting "Christmas Eve" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
Oct.10.2011 Added a new painting "Kin Mokusei" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
July.16.2011 Added a new painting "Sponge Cucumber" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
May.19.2011 Added a new painting "OHYAMA RENGE" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
Apr.10.2011 Added a new painting "HIGASHI E" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
Mar.06.2011 Added a new painting "HUYU no NAGORI" in the gallery "SHO SEN KA".
Feb.05.2011 Added a new painting "BONBAI" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
Jan.01.2011 Added New Year Cards in "SUI SEN KO" and "SHO SEN KA".
Dec.21.2010 Added a new painting "OMEKASI" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
Nov.18.2010 Added a new painting "CHODAI" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
Oct.15.2010 Added a new painting "MOMIJI GARI" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
Oct.12.2010 Added a new painting "AKI no IRO" in the gallery "SHO SEN KA".
Sep.20.2010 Added a new painting "AKI no SORA" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
Jul.16.2010 Added a new painting "Wu" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
Jun.15.2010 Added a new painting "KATATUMURI" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
May.15.2010 Added a new painting "CHATUMI" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
Apr.17.2010 Added a new painting "Cyclamen" in the gallery "SHO SEN KA".
Mar.31.2010 Added a new painting "SAKURA" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
Jan.01.2010 Added New Year Cards in "SUI SEN KO" and "SHO SEN KA".
Dec.23.2009 Built up a slide show of Hotei in Christmas in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
Nov.03.2009 Added a new painting "KA KI" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
Sep.03.2009 Added a new painting "MEI GETSU" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
Aug.03.2009 Added a new painting "SHOGI" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
Jul.26.2009 Added UCHIWA-Fans of 2009 in the gallery "SUI SEN KO (No.5 Arch.)"
Jul.02.2009 Added a new painting "O.NE.GA.I" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
Jun.02.2009 Added a new painting "O.KE.I.KO" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
May.07.2009 Added 4 paintings "Hotei" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO"- Archives-3.
May.02.2009 Added a new painting "OUMA" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
Apr.02.2009 Added a new painting "ODEKAKE" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
Feb.23.2009 Added a new painting "HINA MATSURI" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
Feb.07.2009 Added a new painting "AKAI BEBE" in the gallery "SHO SEN KA".
Jan.26.2009 Added a new painting "MAME MAKI" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO".
Jan.01.2009 Added a new painting "NewYear's cards" in the gallery "SHO-SEN-KA" and "SUI SEN KO".
Dec.19.2008 Added a new painting "White List" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO"
Nov.21.2008 Added a new painting "MAKI WARI" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO"
Oct.20.2008 Added a new painting "ON SEN" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO"
Oct.05.2008 Added a new painting "The table in early fall" in the gallery "SHO SEN KA"
Sep.23.2008 Added a new painting "OHAGI" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO"
Sep.18.2008 Added a new painting "Well What..." in the gallery "SUI SEN KO"- Archives-2
Aug.30.2008 Added a new Archives of UCHIWA-Fan in the gallery "SUI SEN KO (No.5 Arch.)"
Jul.26.2008 Added a new painting "OHIRUNE" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO"
Mar.26.2008 Added a new painting "SAKURA HUBUKI" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO"
Feb.6.2008 Added a new painting "Hatsu Ne" in the gallery "SUI SEN KO"
and "The Blue Vase" in the gallery "SHO-SEN-KA".
Jan.5.2008 Added a new painting "NewYear's cards" in the gallery "SHO-SEN-KA" and "SUI SEN KO".
Dec.21.2007 Added a new painting "Russian Dolls" in the gallery "SHO-SEN-KA".
Dec.19.2007 Added a new painting "Illumination" in the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Nov.14.2007 Added a new painting "MeZaMe" in the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Aug.13.2007 Added a new painting "GO SUI" in the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Jul.15.2007 Added a new painting "NAYSU NO ICHINICHI" in the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Jun.05.2007 Added a new painting "AME NO HI" in the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Added a new painting "HIRUSAGARI" in the gallery "SHO-SEN-KA".
Apr.22.2007 Added a new painting "YAGURUMA-SO" in the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Feb.19.2007 Added a new painting "HARU NO KIZASHI" in the gallery "SHO-SEN-KA".
Feb.08.2007 Added a new painting "YUKI GASSEN" in the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Jan.01.2007 Uploaded New Year cards in the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO" and "SHO-SEN-KA".
Dec.09.2006 Added a new painting "OTODOKE" in the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Oct.28.2006 Added a new painting "AKARI SHITA" in the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Sep.23.2006 Added a new painting "AKI HUTATSU" in the gallery "SHO-SEN-KA".
Sep.12.2006 Added a new painting "KINOKO GOHAN" in the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Aug.2.2006 Added a new painting in the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Jun.24.2006 Added a new painting in the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
May.6.2006 Added a new painting in the gallery "SHO-SEN-KA".
Feb.25.2006 Added A Daruma painteing in the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO:Archive-2".
Feb.9.2006 Added a new painting in the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Jan.31.2006 Added a new painting in the gallery "SHO-SEN-KA".
Jan.03.2006 Added New Year cards in the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO" and "SHO-SEN-KA".
Dec.07.2005 Added a new painting "AKAI OHA NO" on the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Nov.15.2005 Added a new painting "DAIKON BATAKE" on the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Oct.08.2005 Added a new painting "Sizukana Aki" on the gallery "SHO-SEN-KA".
Sep.28.2005 Added a new painting "AKI NO YOI" on the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Jul.18.2005 Added a new painting "HITO YASUMI" on the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Jun.21.2005 Added a new painting "AJISAI" on the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
May.09.2005 Added a new painting "TAKENOKO" on the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Apr.02.2005 Added a new painting "SAKURA" on the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Mar.17.2005 Added a new painting "San Kan Shi On" on the gallery "SHO-SEN-KA".
Feb.06.2005 Added a New Year card "MUGI FUMI" on the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".>
Jan.01.2005 Added a New Year card "Tori No Toshi" on the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Dec.15.2004 Added a new painting "NiWa No SuMi.. HUYU" to the gallery "SHO-SEN-KA".
Dec.07.2004 Added a new painting "Sah dekakeyou" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Nov.17.2004 Added a new painting "OCHIBA TAKI" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Oct.14.2004 Added a new painting "AOI SORA" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Sep.05.2004 Added a new painting "Kohrogi" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".>
Aug.31.2004 Added a new painting "Beni Iro No Natsu" to the gallery "SHO-SEN-KA".
July.19.2004 Added a new painting "UCHI-MIZU" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
June.12.2004 Added a new painting "TSU-YU NO GOGO" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
May.12.2004 Added a new painting "FUJI NO HANA" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Apr.01.2004 Added a new painting "O-DAN-GO" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Mar.01.2004 Added a new painting "OSHI-KURA-MANJYU" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Jan.01.2004 Added a new painting "IWAI-No-SARU" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Dec.19.2003 Added a new painting "ISOGO-YO" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Nov.13.2003 Added a new painting "IMO NI" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Oct.10.2003 Added a new painting "UNDOH KAI" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Sep.30.2003 Added 4 post cards to the archaive No.3 in the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Sep.17.2003 Added a new painting "INE KARI" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Jul.07.2003 Added a new painting "SEN-KOH HANABI" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Jun.05.2003 Added a new painting "TAUE" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Apr.27.2003 Added a new painting "KUCHI BUE" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Feb.08.2003 Added a new painting "Hoh Ho Kekyo" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Jan.02.2003 Added a new painting "HITSUJI no TISHI" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Dec.13.2002 Added a new painting "...sheee !! .." to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Nov.04.2002 Added a new painting "Hichi-Go-San" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Sep.27.2002 Added a new painting "San-Ma" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Aug.17.2002 Added a new painting "Natsu Gesho" to the gallery "SHO-SEN-KA".
Aug.02.2002 Added a new painting "Sou-Men" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Jun.09.2002 Added a new painting "Tama Keri" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
May.03.2002 Added a new painting "TsuBaMe" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Apr.23.2002 Added a new archives ( No.3) including post card size paintings in the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Apr.01.2002 Added a new painting "PIKKA PIKA" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Mar.03.2002 Added a new painting "HARU NO TAYORI" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Feb.03.2002 Added a new painting "MAME MAKI" to the gallery "SUI-SEN-KO".
Jan.01.2002 Added a new painting "Ichi Ben Sen Ri" and a New year card of 2002 to "SUI-SEN-KO".
Dec.01.2001 Added a new painting "SHIPPAI" to "SUI-SEN-KO".
Oct.09.2001 Added a new painting "KIN MOKU SEI" to "SUI-SEN-KO".
July 06.2001 Added a new painting "SASA KAZARI" to "SUI-SEN-KO".
Jun.06.2001 Added a new painting "ROKUGAYSU-NO-AME" to "SUI-SEN-KO".
May.14.2001 Added a new painting "GOGATSU-NO-ASA" to "SYO-SEN-KA".
May.06.2001 Added a new painting "GOGATSU-NO-KAZE" to "SUI-SEN-KO".
Apr.08.2001 Added a new painting "HANA-HUBUKI" to "SUI-SEN-KO".
Mar.08.2001 Added a new painting "HI-DAMARI" to "SUI-SEN-KO".
Feb.03.2001 Added a new painting "SETSU BUN" to "SUI-SEN-KO".
Jan.01.2001 Added a new painting "New year card" to "SUI-SEN-KO".
Dec.10.2000 Added a new painting "Sotto Ne" to "SUI-SEN-KO".
Nov.07.2000 Added a new painting "MOMIJI" to "SUI-SEN-KO".
Oct.18.2000 Added a new painting "KAKI" to "SYO-SEN-KA".
Oct.14.2000 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of the Gallery "SUI-SEN-KO" .
Aug.27.2000 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of the Gallery "SUI-SEN-KO" .
Jun.6.2000 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of the Gallery "SUI-SEN-KO" .
Apr.24.2000 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of the Gallery "SUI-SEN-KO" .
Mar.28.2000 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of the Gallery "SUI-SEN-KO" .
Mar.8.2000 Changed the design of the top page and also the title of this site for "Hyo-san's Falling into a Doze".
Feb.24.2000 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of the Gallery "SUI-SEN-KO" .
Feb.2nd.2000 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of the Gallery "SUI-SEN-KO" .
Jan.18.2000 Added a new painting to "SYO-SEN-KA".
Jan.1st.2000 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of the Gallery "SUI-SEN-KO" .
Dec.7th.'99 Added new messages from visitors in the "HOU-SEN-CHO".
Dec.1st.'99 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of "SUI-SEN-KO" .
Nov.17.'99 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of "SUI-SEN-KO" .
Nov.6th.'99 Added new messages from visitors in the "HOU-SEN-CHO".
Oct.19.'99 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of "SUI-SEN-KO".
Oct.4th.'99 Added new messages from visitors in the "HOU-SEN-CHO".
Sep.23.'99 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of "SUI-SEN-KO"
Sep.1st.'99 Added new messages from visitors in the "HOU-SEN-CHO".
Aug.29.'99 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of "SUI-SEN-KO"
July.24.'99 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of "SUI-SEN-KO"
July.7.'99 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of "SUI-SEN-KO" and added a new painting to "SYO-SEN-KA".
June.23.'99 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of "SUI-SEN-KO"
May.3rd.'99 Added new messages from visitors in the "HOU-SEN-CHO".
Apr.30.'99 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of "SUI-SEN-KO" to the seasonal one.
Mar.26.'99 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of "SUI-SEN-KO" to the seasonal one.
Mar.6.'99 Added new messages from visitors in the "HOU-SEN-CHO".
Mar.3.'99 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of "SUI-SEN-KO" to the seasonal one.
Feb.4.'99 Added new messages from visitors in the "HOU-SEN-CHO".
Feb.1st.'99 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of "SUI-SEN-KO" to the seasonal one.
Jan.16.'99 Added a new painting to "SYO-SEN-KA".
Jan.1st.'99 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of "SUI-SEN-KO" to the seasonal one.
And Opened the "HOU-SEN-CHO":visitors messages. Please send me your message.
Dec.1st.'98 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of "SUI-SEN-KO" to the seasonal one.
Holly seasen is coming and New year will come soon.
Oct.18.'98 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of "SUI-SEN-KO" to the seasonal one.
Sep.19.'98 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of "SUI-SEN-KO" to the seasonal one.
And added a new painting to "SYO-SEN-KA",too.
Aug.2.'98 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of "SUI-SEN-KO" to the seasonal one.
July.14.'98 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of "SUI-SEN-KO" to the seasonal one.
Jun.30.'98 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of "SUI-SEN-KO" to the seasonal one.>
Jun.2nd.'98 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner of "SUI-SEN-KO" to the seasonal one.
In June We have a rainy season ,called "TSU-YU" or "BAI-U".
And added a new painting to "SYO-SEN-KA",too.
Apr.27.'98 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner to the seasonal one.
In May We fly KOI(a carp)-NOBORI(streamer) wishing young boys health.
Apr.5.'98 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner to the seasonal one.
Now in Japan, It's eary spring.
Mar.4.'98 Changed a painting in the "It's New" corner to the seasonal one.
March 3rd is the hina-maturi 'Under teen girls festival'.
Feb.8.'98 On Feb.1st, I painted a Hotei again.and added A daffodil in "SYOSENKA"
Image-Changing page of "SUISENKO" is named as "the Lounge". Please enjoy it.
Jan.5.'98 Opened English edition.
Jan.2.'98 The first day of This Year,I painted a Tiger,-An animal of this year-,
Opened Archives of "SUISENKO",for Some paintngs are overflowed from the main Lobby.
Dec.3.'97 Changed BGMs for favorite ones.
Dec.1.'97 This year is endding soon ! How quick is it!!
Added a painting to "SUISENKO".
Oct.26.'97 Almost of last 45 days,Traveled around the HOKURIKU and TOHOKU area, Japanese rice producing fields,such as Hukui,Niigata,Yamagata,Akita,Hukusima,and Miyagi.
So,I couldn't update My Pages.
Any way Added BGM,and a Painting.
Sep.16.'97 Opened Gallary"SHOSENKA"
and change name of Gallary"SHOSENKO" to "SUISENKO"
Sep.9.'97 Buttons in the gallary were GIF-animatted.
And some pictuers are shown in Automatic-Changer...enjoy a little joke.
Aug.7.'97 Memorial day. Opened this site "HYO-SAN's Page"

Index of Hyo-san's
......Started this Notes :Sep.16.'97
......(c) 1997--- Akira Kajiura