- Archive-1: Hotei on some day -
HOTEI (a Chinese Monk,he allways
carrys a big bag),,,
are exibited
Please enjoy them.
- Archive-2 : Daruma Gallery -
Dharma ,DARUMA in Japanese, was the very first master,
He trnsfered Zen to China
And has sometimes been painted as the simbol of Zen students
- Archibe-3 : Paintings on Postcards -
Acctualy I want to draw on bigger papers..
But Please enjoy small paintings
- Archive-4 : Animals of the year -
Every Year has it's Animal of the year.
So I usually draw the animal of the next year at the very end of the year
- Archive-5: UCHIWA-FAN -
My instant Works on UCHIWA-Fan, painted on visitor's demand at TOKUGENJI tmple.
- Archive-6: Lounge -
Please hava a rest !